The University's Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity provides leadership for the formulation and oversight of University policies related to pluralism and equity, and initiates programs and practices that promote diversity, inclusion, and fair treatment of all members of the community.
The University is engaged in the work of creating a more diverse and inclusive academic community, as evidenced by Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan for Brown University. The document formalizes and expands upon diversity and inclusion efforts articulated in Brown’s Building on Distinction strategic plan.
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World (JIAAW) is an interdisciplinary institute that “promotes the investigation, understanding, and enjoyment of the archaeology and art of the ancient Mediterranean, Egypt, and the Near East, through active fieldwork projects, graduate and undergraduate programs, and public outreach activities”. The goal of the Institute, explicitly stated at the time of our founding in 2006, is to foster an interdisciplinary community of interest in the archaeology of the ancient world, and in the discipline of archaeology more generally. Our mandate is to promote research, fieldwork, teaching, and public outreach, with the Institute’s associated faculty, students, and facilities serving as a hub for this activity. Thus, working to increase diversity and inclusion is woven into the very essence of the Institute’s mission.
In May 2016, the Joukowsky Institute community of faculty, staff, and students collaboratively formulated and approved a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, outlining key actions that the Institute planned to take in the next five years -- including changes that impact our faculty, curriculum, and engagement with the public. We continue to identify concrete steps we can take to promote a more diverse and inclusive environment for faculty, staff, students, and the broader public. We have implemented many of the actions detailed in this plan, as well as other initiatives beyond the plan's suggestions, because we feel that both immediate and ongoing progress are necessary in order to build a more inclusive and diverse community.