Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Inventory Newsletter

Editions of the Inventory newsletter speak to the Joukowsky Institute's numerous field projects, pedagogic resources, and ties with other departments, programs, and colleagues at Brown University, as well as the JIAAW's international connections.

Anna Soifer and Candace Rice hold awards they received from the Graduate SchoolThe Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Inventory, the newsletter of Brown University’s Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, features stories on the Joukowsky Institute's Spring 2024 conference, From the Cradle to the Grave: The Life Course Approach in Archaeology; our Rhode Island field project's new excavation site on Brown's campus; doctoral dissertations and undergraduate honors theses of this year's graduates in Archaeology and the Ancient World; and the first outing for Brown's "Kiosk kiosk"; as well as an introduction by the Institute's Director, Andrew Scherer.

Students with catapultThis issue features stories on the return of our State of the Field conferences with this Spring's Archaeologies of the Mediterranean, an exhibit of women flying above a Mexican village, and inviting younger generations of archaeologists to visit Brown University's campus. Opening as usual with words from the Director, this is the last issue introduced by Peter van Dommelen, whose term as Director ends this summer.

Student holding modelAfter a two-year hiatus, we are especially pleased to share the latest issue of Inventory, which notes the many activities and accomplishments of our community members over this time and celebrates the increasing number of occasions we are finding to come together. This issue features stories on two recent webinar series organized by Institute faculty members, two exhibits installed in Rhode Island Hall, recent doctoral dissertations and undergraduate honors theses, faculty publications, an online tour of New Bedford, and our excavation and fieldschool in Providence, RI.

Collage of zoom participantsThis issue features stories on three of the Institute’s recent graduates, a growing digital exhibition, work being done by three graduate students on a cemetery in Newport, two recent faculty publications, and a research partnership between a student and a faculty member to develop a data management tool, as well as Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on archaeology in the time of coronavirus.

Students participating in guided excavationThis issue features stories on a new book by JIAAW’s Associate Professor Felipe Rojas, the recent edit-a-thon organized by members of Trowelblazers@Brown, and an update and reflection on the Joukowsky Institute Publications series; as well as introducing our newest faculty members, including Assistant Professor Candace Rice’s impressions of her first semester at Brown University, and sharing a few highlights of our ongoing excavation in the College Hill neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island.​

Attendees at the Ancient DNA Revolution preentationThis issue includes stories on our most recent “State of the Field” conference focusing on ancient DNA, research by the newest graduate of our doctoral program in Archaeology and the Ancient World, and a glimpse of a few of the exhibits in Rhode Island Hall this semester, as well as Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on the past semester at the Joukowsky Institute.

Glass-blowing workshopThis issue includes stories on the Institute’s return to fieldwork in Petra, an exhibit of Islamic ceramics curated by a recent graduate, our engagement with the Providence community around our Archaeology of College Hill course and excavation, and the launch of our bi-weekly podcast called “The JoukBox,” as well as Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on the past semester at the Joukowsky Institute.

Archaeologists on a mountainThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on our exhibit on Montserrat's resilience, our conference on archaeology and social justice, the successful completion of two Joukowsky Institute students' doctorates, and an ode to the Joukowsky Institute written by two graduating seniors, as well as Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on the community of doctoral, undergraduate, and visiting students at the Joukowsky Institute.

People standing under green tentThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on Dr. Laurel Bestock’s new book, our conference on islands of the Mediterranean, our new apprenticeship program for students, the successful completion of a Joukowsky Institute student’s doctorate, and an update on our long-running Archaeology of College Hill class, as well as Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on several recent changes at the Joukowsky Institute.

People laughing at gatheringThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on two workshops organized by the Joukowsky Institute – one in Bogotá, organized by faculty member Felipe Rojas, and another in Providence, organized by graduate students in Archaeology and Anthropology; Professor Yannis Hamilakis’s impressions of his first year at Brown University; and the successful completion of two Joukowsky Institute students’ doctorates (and three undergraduate honors theses); as well as Institute Director Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on the many new arrivals, bittersweet departures, and activism of the Institute and our community.

Group of people at siteThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on the successful completion of six doctorates (and one master’s), a class trip to Barcelona and Empúries, and Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on several significant developments at JIAAW.

Man using sifterThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on a bone-based collaboration between geology and archaeology, a pungent course on culinary history, and the successful completion of a Joukowsky Institute student’s doctorate, as well as two perspectives on a recent conference honoring John Cherry, and Peter van Dommelen’s thoughts on his first semester as the Director of the Joukowsky Institute.

Man with cow in fieldThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on scientific analysis of Luristan bronzes, our ibis mummy's doctor's appointment, an exhibit on the past lives of Rhode Island Hall, two JIAAW doctorates, and the perils of summer fieldwork.

Woman showing plastic skeleton to boyThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on our “Archaeology for the People” competition, a field project in Turkey, a recent conference on archaeology in North Africa, and our ongoing excavations on Brown University’s campus.

Woman drawing on digital tabletThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on the Joukowsky Institute Publications series, International Archaeology Day, a new field project in Sardinia, using RTI to reveal a relief on an Old Kingdom block, and our competition for accessible archaeological writing, “Archaeology for the People."

Map of sitesThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets, Ömür Harmanşah's new book, a recent conference on Greek archaeology, the siege of Rhode Island Hall, and the successful completion of two JIAAW students' doctorates.

Man and woman smiling at cameraThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on JIAAW's two new permanent faculty members, visiting international students and faculty, an international colloquium on issues in Mediterranean prehistory, the fifth anniversary of our film series, and the successful completion of a JIAAW student's doctorate.

Long line of people walking across bright green meadowThe latest issue of Inventory includes stories on Laurel Bestock's new field project in the Sudan, the Institute's recent symposium on archaeology in Turkey, ARCH 1715's installation recreating the terracotta warriors of the First Emperor's tomb, Sue Alcock's visit to Davos, the Arts of Rome's Provinces seminar, and three new doctors of archaeology.