Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Related Master’s Programs

The Graduate School's Open Graduate Education program encourages students to pursue Master’s degrees in a secondary field concurrently with the Ph.D., so as to bring a wider base of expertise to the job market and facilitate interdisciplinary pursuits.

Funded by the Mellon Foundation, the Open Graduate Education program awards students a sixth year of funding to complete the two degrees. Master's-level degrees of potential interest to Ph.D. students in the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology include:

The program consists of a minimum of eight courses, including at least two seminars in Greek and Latin or Classics and completion of a thesis - an original investigation of a literary, historical, archaeological or linguistic topic. Applicants must present satisfactory evidence of completion of a substantial number of courses in Greek and Latin in their undergraduate program, as well as competence in French or German.
Six courses, two of which must be CS courses that form a coherent major, one of which must be a CS course (the "breadth" course), and three additional courses in CS or related areas. Additionally, students must take two advanced courses, or complete a thesis, project, and/or internship.
A minimum of ten course credits is required, including no fewer than six departmental seminars, among them two 2000-level seminars. Students must also take HIAA 2920 (Methods) and HIAA 2930 (Practicum) during the first two years. Up to four undergraduate lecture courses or seminars within and outside of the department can be taken for graduate credit. A reading knowledge of at least two foreign languages is also required.
Students are required to complete twelve courses. This includes eight required courses, one online course, and three electives which the student chooses.