The online application is now available through the Brown University Graduate School, with a submission deadline of January 3, 2022.
Faculty, staff, and current doctoral students of the Joukowsky Institute have compiled a list of questions that prospective graduate students ask us about applying to our program, or to graduate school more generally. Our hope is that we can help demystify the application process, and help potential students think through the pros and cons of graduate school, by providing honest answers from the perspectives of those who have been through it -- on both sides of the decision-making process.
We will be updating and adding to these responses, based on additional feedback and questions. If you have suggestions or questions we have not yet addressed, please feel free to send an email to
Watch Webinar Videos:
Applying to Graduate School in Archaeology (November 3, 2021, with Profs. Laurel Bestock, Felipe Rojas, and Peter van Dommelen)
Applying to Graduate School in Archaeology (November 8, 2021, with Profs. Yannis Hamilakis, Candace Rice, and Peter van Dommelen)