Research Interests and Teaching
Within Archaeology, my research concentrates on landscape, material culture studies (things), the practices underlying archaeology and the history of archaeology. These interests have three primary facets in my current postdoctoral research. First, my work articulates human relations with the landscapes of Greece in general, and the Argolid in particular, over the very long term. From the development of agricultural practices in the Neolithic to pastoral economies and the dynamics of the Greek polis to contemporary land-use my work develops historical geographies of the Greek countryside. Second, my work explores the relationships of people and things, specifically in the context of ‘media’ (whether 2nd-century BCE inscriptions, 1st-century CE coins, or 18th-century maps) as developing modes of circulating actions and ideas. These research interests have driven the production of two co-authored books to be completed by summer 2008: From Isthmus to Gulf: A Chorography of the Eastern Morea and Archaeology: The Discipline of Things. Third, my interests in archaeological practice have served as a springboard to revisiting core questions related to field methodologies in both excavation and survey. How do we produce an accurate portrayal of the material past? What constitutes a satisfactory interpretation? Such questions are the heart of my work in comparative histories of archaeology — with the Classical Topographer, William Martin Leake or the multi-disciplinary French Expédition Scientifique de Morée — and, perhaps not surprisingly, they have led me to address issues related to the reception of the Greco-Roman past in late 18th and early 19th century Europe whether in Greece or Sicily, London or Paris. Recently, I have helped initiate an international project between Brown University and Stanford University, Bishops Library of Durham, UK, and the Bibliotheque nationale de France called “Anglo-American Antiquarians” to investigate the intersection of pre-1820’s antiquarian practice and Greco-Roman antiquity with the development of modern science.
Drawing on the richness of Classical Archaeology, my work often addresses key issues which resonate across the wider profession of archaeology. I am now putting the finishing touches on a co-edited manuscript of conversations exploring the trans-disciplinary scope of archaeology with practitioners including Lewis Binford, Colin Renfrew and Patty Jo Watson: Conversations through Archaeology. Furthermore, in nearing the completion of my current postdoctoral research, I am beginning the process of revising my dissertation, which I intend to publish under the title Listening to Things. The book addresses a range of questions relating to the future of the archaeological past through a series of case studies from Classical Archaeology (including the Argolid Exploration Project). What is the character of the pasts produced by archaeology and more specifically how are these pasts manifested, translated, circulated, stored and reanimated? How have the documentary practices of archaeology transformed over the last 300 years? And what types of pasts do these documentary practices allow us to transport into the future?
Since my undergraduate research I have explored the edges of information technology and design in Archaeology, Classics and Anthropology. From Video Production (we have a world class video archive here at JIAAW) to Database Design, this work has culminated in the founding of the Metamedia Laboratories at Stanford University ( and the establishment of a Visualization Lab with a Web 2.0 infrastructure (workplace) here at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University. I am also a co founder of both ( and ( While, I am committed to expanding our range of expression into innovative domains, I also strive to critically understand the consequences of these endeavors.
Ph.D., Classical Archaeology, Stanford University 2005
M.A., Landscape Archaeology, University of Sheffield 1998
B.A. (summa cum laude) Archaeology, Classical Studies, and Geography, University of North Carolina at Greensboro 1996
Recent Publications