Julia received her B.A. (highest honors) in Mediterranean Archaeology, with a minor in Fine Arts, from the University of Pennsylvania (2014), where she was a University Scholar. Her undergraduate thesis focused on developing a new quantitative and spatial approach to studying food in the ancient world. She went on to earn an M.Phil. in Classical Archaeology at the University of Cambridge (2015), completing a thesis entitled “Mapping Food in Iron Age and Roman-Period Britain: An Integrated Approach,” which applied this methodology to Cambridgeshire. Julia has been a part of the Gardens of the Hesperides Project (Morocco), Brown’s S’Urachi Project (Sardinia), the Sources de l'Yonne Project (France), the Olynthos Project (Greece), the Roman Peasant Project (Italy), the Gordion Archaeological Project (Turkey), the Roman Binchester Research Project (England), the Iklaina Archaeological Project (Greece), and the Roman Forum of Pollentia Archaeological Project (Spain). She has also worked as an archival intern at the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, and as a research assistant for the Database of Religious History (University of British Columbia) and for the Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (Harvard University). She is currently leading the Rabbits in Roman Britain Project, which is investigating the earliest introduction of rabbits to Britain. Her primary research interests are in foodways in the ancient world; Roman social and economic history; the archaeology of the Roman Empire, particularly the western provinces and the cultural interactions therein; environmental history; and digital approaches to studying the ancient world.