Rachel Mairs specialises in the archaeology and epigraphy of the Hellenistic period states of Central Asia and North-West India. Her main interests are in questions of ethnic identity and multilingualism, and in how we might go about looking for expressions of the former in the material record from the ‘Hellenistic Far East’. She also works with papyri from Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, and is especially interested in mutilingualism and language mediation (translation and interpreting).
She was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University 2007-2008, and a Junior Research Fellow at Merton College, University of Oxford, 2008-2011. She has participated in archaeological field projects in Afghanistan, Jordan and Turkmenistan.
University of Reading Faculty Profile
Archaeology of the Hellenistic Far East
(2006) PhD Classics, University of Cambridge. Thesis: ‘Ethnic Identity in the Hellenistic Far East’
(2003) MPhil Classics, University of Cambridge
(2002) BA Hons. Oriental Studies (Egyptology with Greek)