Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Rui Gomes Coelho

Postdoctoral Fellow in Archaeology and the Ancient World (2019-2020)


Rui Gomes Coelho is an archaeologist interested in historical archaeology, archaeology of the contemporary, critical heritage and photography. His current interests are driven by a fascination with the sensorial constitution of alternative modernities, and for marginal communities who mobilize material culture against traditional, nationalist-oriented approaches to heritage. He has been collaborating with archaeological projects based in the U.S., Portugal, Brazil, Germany, Spain, and Croatia. Recent publications include the essay “The Garden of Refugees” in the volume The New Nomadic Age: Archaeologies of Forced and Undocumented Migration, edited by Yannis Hamilakis, 2018 and the article “An Archaeology of Decolonization: Imperial Intimacies in Contemporary Lisbon”, published by the Journal of Social Archaeology, 2019. Prior to coming to Brown, he was a Postdoctoral Associate in the Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies program at the Department of Art History, Rutgers University. He is also a Junior Researcher at UNIARQ—Center for Archaeology, University of Lisbon. As a photographer, Dr. Coelho participated in several individual and collective shows in the U.S., U.K. and Portugal.