Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Archaeologia Transatlantica

The Institute’s predecessor, the Center for Old World Archaeology and Art (COWAA), published the series, “Archaeologia Transatlantica”, which has now ceased production.

Volumes in this series that are still in print are available through Casemate Academic (formerly David Brown Book Company) and Oxbow Books.

The following titles from the series include:

  • Ancient Greek Coins: Catalogue of the Classical Collection, Museum of Art (RISD) by R. Ross Holloway
  • Interpretatio Rerum: Archaeological Essays on Objects and Meaning, edited by Susan S. Lukesh
  • La Muculufa, The Early Bronze Age Sanctuary by R. Ross Holloway, Martha S. Joukowsky and Susan S. Lukesh
  • La Muculufa II by Brian McConnell and others
  • Miscellanea Mediterranea, edited by R. Ross Holloway
  • Myth, Sexuality and Power: Images of Jupiter in Western Art, edited by Frances van Keuren
  • Prehistoric Aphrodisias by Martha S. Joukowsky, 2 vols.
  • The Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios and Imperial Athens by Peter E. Nulton
  • Ustica I by Ross Holloway and Susan Lukesh
  • Ustica II by R. Ross Holloway and Susan S. Lukesh and other contributors
  • The Villa of Livia Ad Gallinas Albas by Jane Clark Reeder