The Honors thesis is an extended essay, usually of between 40 and 60 pages in length, researched and written under the supervision of a faculty advisor and second reader during the senior year (during which the student must be enrolled in ARCH 1970 in the Fall and ARCH 1990 in the Spring semester).
Students considering writing an Honors thesis should, in their junior year, identify a faculty member who will serve as thesis advisor, and a second faculty member to serve as second reader. Where appropriate, the advisor or the reader, but not both of them, may be in a unit other than the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World. During their junior year, students should also identify a specific topic and approach of the thesis, in consultation with the thesis advisor.
Thesis Proposal
A preliminary title and one-page outline of the proposed Honors thesis is due to the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the thesis advisor by May 15th of the junior year (semester 6). This proposal is not intended to be comprehensive or binding, but should provide a broad outline of the students intended topic.
Thesis Timeline and Deadlines
In the Fall semester of their senior year (semester 7), students must register for ARCH 1970: Individual Study Project in Old World Archaeology and Art, selecting the section taught by their thesis advisor. The schedule and frequency of meetings between the student and advisor should be determined during the first two weeks of classes.
On October 15th, a complete outline of the thesis project and a detailed bibliography are due to the advisor and Director of Undergraduate Studies. A full chapter must be turned in to the advisor, second reader, and Director of Undergraduate Studies no later than December 15th.
Students who do not meet the thesis deadlines in the Fall, or whose work is not considered worthy of Honors, as determined by their thesis advisor, will not be able to register for ARCH 1990 in the Spring and will not be permitted to continue work on an Honors thesis.
In the Spring semester of their senior year (semester 8), students must register for ARCH 1990: Senior Honors Thesis in Archaeology and the Ancient World, selecting the section taught by their thesis advisor. Students must turn in a complete draft of their thesis to their advisor, second reader, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies by March 15th. The revised, final version of the thesis is due to the advisor, second reader, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies by April 15th.
The completed thesis will be evaluated by the advisor and second reader, who will discuss its strengths and weaknesses in a joint meeting with the student; they will then make a recommendation concerning Honors, and also agree a grade for ARCH 1990. Any student who does not meet any of the required thesis deadlines or whose work is not considered worthy of Honors, as determined by the thesis advisor, will not be eligible for Honors in Archaeology and the Ancient World.
The Honors concentrators will be asked to make a short public presentation about their work, in a joint event, usually occurring in early May.
An electronic version of the final thesis must be submitted to the Joukowsky Institute via email to and to the Director of Undergraduate Studies by May 1st. A printed and bound copy of the thesis must be delivered to the Joukowsky Institute by May 15th.