Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Faculty and Student Publications

Faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral students in the Joukowsky Institute regularly publish their research in single- and multi-authored texts, as well as journals. This page features a selection of those publications.

Past Publications

  • Cherry, J.F. 2022. "Reflections on Thirty Years of the Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology with Bernardo". In The Archaeology of Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean: Studies in Honour of A. Bernard Knapp, edited by S. Manning. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 16: 12-24. Sheffield: Equinox.
  • Kleiman, A. and Z.C. Dunseth. 2022. "Area W: Sounding in the Northeastern Sector of the Mound." In: Megiddo VI: The 2010-2014 Seasons, edited by I. Finkelstein and M.A.S. Martin, p. 164-177. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • Knapp, A.B., A. Russell, and P. van Dommelen. 2022. "Cyprus, Sardinia and Sicily: A Maritime Perspective on Interaction, Connectivity and Imagination in Mediterranean Prehistory." Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31: 79-97.
  • Munawar, N.A. 2022. "Reconstructing Narratives: The Politics of Heritage in Contemporary Syria." Journal of Social Archaeology, SAGE Publications. (In-print)
  • Munawar, N.A. 2022. "Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas: The Case of Syria," in Routledge Handbook of Heritage Destruction, edited by E. Cunliffe, M. Saldin, & J. A. G. Zarandona. (Forthcoming)
  • Munawar, N.A. 2022. "Digital Culture: Heritage, Social Media, and Documentation Practices," in Documentation as Art: Expanded Digital Practices, edited by A. Dekker, & G. Giannachi. Routledge. (Forthcoming)
  • Munawar, N.A. 2022. "Heritage Reconstruction for Whom?", in Die Altstadt von Aleppo: Gestern und Heute, edited by M. Fansa. Aleppo Journal 2021.
  • Thum, J. and Z.C. Dunseth. 2022. "Stone Vessel Fragments from Settlement Contexts." In Megiddo VI: The 2010-2014 Seasons, edited by I. Finkelstein and M.A.S. Martin p. 1286-1288. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  • van Dommelen, P. 2022 (forthcoming). "Mediterranean entanglements: exploring material connections in Iron Age Sardinia". In Critical Approaches to the Archaeology of Cyprus and the Wider Mediterranean, edited by S. Manning. Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 16. Sheffield: Equinox.
  • Greenberg, R. and Hamilakis, Y. 2022. Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2022 . Food as affirmative biopolitics at the border: eating practices, liminality, and migration in the Mediterranean. World Archaeology, 53(3): 531-546.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2022 Borde
  • r assemblages between surveillance and spectacle: What was Moria and what comes After? American Anthropologist 124: 212-220.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2022 . Drawing the future in the ashes: The ruins of Moria and the materiality of migration. American Anthropologist
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2022. A Handbook for a Haunted, Nomadic Age: Potential material histories. Verso
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2022. The effects of colonization still shape our lives. Art Newspaper Greece 5: 28.
  • Ben Dov, J. and F. Rojas (eds.). 2021. Afterlives of Rock-Cut Monuments in the Ancient Near East: Carvings in and out of Time. Brill Publishers. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East Series Vol. 123.
  • Burgin, L., G. Ducady, M. Lefas-Tetenes, and S. Sharpe. "A Decade of Think Like an Archaeologist: Sustaining and Evolving a Cross-Institutional Partnership and Multivisit Outreach Program." In Creating Meaningful Museum Experiences for K-12 Audiences: How to Connect with Teachers and Engage Students, edited by T. Young. American Alliance of Museums. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. 189-200.
  • Cherry, J.F., K. Ryzewski, S. Guimarães, C. Stouvenot, and S. Francis. 2021. "The Soldier Ghaut Prehistoric Petroglyphs on Montserrat." Latin American Antiquity 32(2): 422-30.
  • Cherry, J.F. and M.A.W. Rothenberg. 2021. "Costly Signaling and Windmill-Building: Inter-Island Technological Variability on Eighteenth-Century Sugar Estates in the Lesser Antilles." International Journal of Historical Archaeology 26.
  • Deiana, R., G.P. Deidda, E. Díes Cusí, P. van Dommelen, and A. Stiglitz. 2021. FDEM and ERT measurements for archaeological prospections at Nuraghe S’Urachi (West-Central Sardinia), Archaeological Prospection 28:
  • Dunseth, Z. C. and R. Kalisher. 2021. Spoilage. In The Handbook to Food in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, edited by J. Fu, C. Shafer-Elliott and C. Meyers. p. 267-296. Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
  • Finkelstein, I., T. Römer, C. Nicolle, Z.C. Dunseth, A. Kleiman, J. Mas, N. Porat and N. Walzer. 2021. "Excavations at Kiriath-jearim, 2019: Preliminary Report." Tel Aviv 48: 47-72.
  • Fuks, D. and Z.C. Dunseth. 2021. "Dung in the dumps: what we can learn from multi-proxy studies of archaeological dung pellets." Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 30: 137-153.
  • Junge, A., Z.C. Dunseth, R. Shahack-Gross, I. Finkelstein, and M. Fuchs. 2021. "Construction and use of rock-cut cisterns in the arid Negev Highlands (Israel) according to the OSL and micromorphology evidence." Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13: 150.
  • Leppard, T.P., A.J. Smith, and J. F. Cherry. 2021. "The colonization and early prehistory of the Mediterranean islands," in The Archaeology of Island Colonization: Global Approaches to Initial Human Settlement, edited by M.F. Napolitano, J.H. Stone, and R.J. DiNapoli. 265-92. Gainesville: The University Press of Florida.
  • Leppard T. P., R.J. DiNapoli, J. F. Cherry, T.M. Rieth and J.A. Swift. 2021. ‘The premise and potential of a model-based approach to island archaeology: a response to Terrell.’ Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 16.
  • Moricca, C., L. Bouby, V. Bonhomme, S. Ivorra, G. Pérez-Jordà, L. Nigro, F. Spagnoli, L. Pena-Chocarro, P. van Dommelen, and L. Sadori. 2021. "Grapes and vines of the Phoenicians: morphometric analyses of pips from modern varieties and Iron Age archaeological sites in the Western Mediterranean." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 37:
  • Plekhov, D., T.P. Leppard, and J. F. Cherry. 2021. ‘Island colonization and environmental sustainability in the postglacial Mediterranean.’ Sustainability 13.
  • Ramis, D., P. van Dommelen, S. Lash, A. Roppa and A. Stiglitz. 2021. Entre Sardos y Fenicios: primeros datos faunísticos del yacimiento de S’Urachi (Cerdeña)". In Insularidad, îléité y insularización en el Mediterráneo fenicio y púnico. Actas del coloquio internacional (Ibiza, marzo 2017), E. Guillon (ed.). Treballs del Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera 78. Eivissa: Museu Arqueològic d’Eivissa i Formentera, 111-23.
  • Roppa, A., M. Botto, and P. van Dommelen (eds.). 2021. Il Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all'egemonia cartaginese. Dinamiche insediative, forme rituali e cultura materiale nel V secolo a.C. Roma: Edizioni Quasar.
  • Roppa, A., M. Botto, and P. van Dommelen. 2021. Premessa. In Il Mediterraneo occidentale dalla fase fenicia all'egemonia cartaginese. Dinamiche insediative, forme rituali e cultura materiale nel V secolo a.C., edited by A. Roppa, M. Botto and P. van Dommelen. Roma: Edizioni Quasar, 7-10.
  • van Dommelen, P. 2021. "Cato's vijgen in postkoloniaal perspectief: het verlies van Carthago’s vernietiging". Roma Aeterna 9.1: 8-10.
  • Hamilakis, Y. and V. Lambropoulos, V. 2021. A new approach on the 1821 revolution. Ephimerida ton Syntakton, 21 November. (in Greek).
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2021. The Parthenon marbles in the era of decolonization. LIFO, 19 April (in Greek).
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2021. For the Acropolis of the 21st century. Avgi, 30 April 2021. (in Greek).
  • Κυπαρίσση-Αποστολίκα, Ν., Χαμηλάκης, Γ., Loughlin, T. & Φρούσσου, Ε. 2021. "A new, Early Tholos Tomb of the Late Bronze Age in the area of the Neolithic tell of Koutroulou Magoula", in Η Περιφέρεια του Μυκηναϊκού Κόσμου / The Periphery of the Mycenaean World/3rd International, Interdisciplinary Colloquium (επιμ. Ε. Καράντζαλη), 145–156. Αθήνα: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού & Αθλητισμού (in Greek, with English summary).
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2021. From fields of discourse to fields of sensoriality: rethinking the archaeological record. In M. Boyd and R. Doonan (eds), Far from Equilibrium: an Archaeology of Energy, Life and Humanity. Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 239-257.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2021. Welcome to the new Acropolis Museum. In Symbols and Ruins. Panayotis Pangalos & Stavros Alifragkis (eds). Athens: Eurasia Press and University of West Attica, pp. 104-107.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2021. The redistribution of the sensible: photography and contemporary migration. In Pearls, Politics, and Pistachios: Essays in Anthropology and Memories on the Occasion of Susan Pollock's 65th Birthday. Edited by Innerkollectiv. Berlin: Ex Oriente, pp. 663-680.
  • Hamilakis, Y. and A. Pintucci. 2021. Politics, migration, and race: A conversation with Yannis Hamilakis. EX-NOVO: A Journal of Archaeology 6: 233-238.
  • Hamilakis, Y., Gomez Coelho, R. 2021. "An archaeologist of images: A conversation with Édouard Duval-Carrié and Anthony Bogues". World Art 11(1): 1-23.
  • Butler, D.H., Z.C. Dunseth, Y. Tepper, T. Erickson-Gini, G. Bar-Oz, and R. Shahack-Gross. 2020. "Byzantine – Early Islamic resource management detected through micro-geoarchaeological investigations of trash mounds (Negev, Israel)." PLOS ONE 15(10): e0239227.
  • Gradoli, M. G., P. Waiman-Barak, T. Bürge, Z.C. Dunseth, J. H. Sterba, F. Lo Schiavo, M. Perra, S. Sabatini and P. M. Fischer. 2020. "Cyprus and Sardinia in the Late Bronze Age: Nuragic table ware at Hala Sultan Tekke." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33: 102479.
  • Knodell, A.R., D. Athanasoulis, Ž. Tankosić, J. F. Cherry, T.K. Garonis, E.I. Levine, D. Nenova, and H.Ç. Öztürk. 2020. "An Island Archaeology of Uninhabited Landscapes: Offshore Islets near Paros, Greece (the Small Cycladic Islands Project)." Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology.
  • Marcus, J., C. Posth, H. Ringbauer, L. Lai, R. Skeates, C. Sidore, J. Beckett, A Furtwangler, A. Olivieri, C.W.K. Chiang, H. Al-Asadi, K. Dey, T.A. Joseph, C. Liu, C. Der Sarkissian, R. Radzeviciute, M. Michel, M.G. Gradoli, P. Maronqui, S. Rubino, V. Mazzarello, D. Rovina, A. Fragola, R.M. Serra, P. Bandiera, R. Bianucci, E. Pompianu, C. Murgia, M. Guirguis, R. Pla Orquin, N. Tuross, P. van Dommelen, W. Haak, D. Reich, D. Schlessinger, F. Cucca, J. Krause, and J. Novembre. 2020. "Genetic History from the Middle Neolithic to Present on the Mediterranean Island of Sardinia." Nature Communications 11.939:
  • Mikerov, M., R. Shrestha, P. van Dommelen, D. Mittleman and M. Koch. 2020. "An Analysis of Ancient Ceramics using TeraHertz Imaging and Photogrammetry." Optics Express 28.15: 22255-63.
  • Pérez Jordà, G., J. Hurley, D. Ramis, and P. van Dommelen. 2020. "Iron Age Botanical Remains from Nuraghe S’Urachi (Sardinia, Italy)." Antiquity 94.374:
  • Pérez-Jordà, G., C. Gómez Bellard, P. van Dommelen, C. Nicosia, Y. Carrión, L. Sadori, . . . M. Naglak 2020. "La campaña de 2017 en Pauli Stincus (Cerdeña). Excavando un campo de cultivo de los siglos V-II a.E.," in Excavaciones en el Exterior. (Informes y Trabajos 19-2019). Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, 87-95.
  • Ramis, D., P. van Dommelen, S. Lash, A. Roppa, and A. Stiglitz. 2020. "Aproximación a la explotación de los recursos faunísticos en el poblado de S’Urachi (Cerdeña) en época fenicia." In La alimentación en el mundo púnico: producciones, procesos y consumos, edited by C. Gómez Bellard, G. Pérez Jordà and A. Vendrell Betí. (SPAL Monografías Arqueología 32). Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 113-28.
  • C. Ratté, F. Rojas, and A. Commito. “New Research at Notion,” in Byzas 25: Zwischen Bruch und Kontinuität: Architektur in Kleinasien am Übergang vom Hellenismus zur römischen Kaiserzeit, edited by Ute Lohner-Urban and Ursula Quatember. University of Graz, pp. 345-362.
  • C. Ratté, F. Rojas, and A. Commito. “Notion Archaeological Survey 2017-2018”. Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 37.1. 333-353.
  • Reynard, L., S. Ryan, M. Guirguis, M. Contreras Martinez, E. Pompianu, D. Ramis, ..., P. van Dommelen, ... and N. Tuross. 2020. "Mediterranean precipitation isoscape preserved in bone collagen δ2H." Scientific Reports 10: 8579
  • Roppa, A., J. Hayne, E. Madrigali, A. Stiglitz, C. Tronchetti, and P. van Dommelen. 2020. "Nuraghe S’Urachi (San Vero Milis, Sardegna): continuità e trasformazioni nel corso dell'età punica e romana repubblicana." In Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, edited by S. Celestino Pérez and E. Rodríguez González. (MYTRA 5). Mérida: CSIC, 635-44.
  • Rojas, F., S. Newman, C. Nicosia, and D. Plekhov. “Assembling Petra’s Rural Landscapes”. Antiquity 94.376.
  • Ryan, S., L. Reynard, E. Pompianu, C. Murgia, E. Subirà, P. van Dommelen, and N. Tuross. 2020. "Growing up in Ancient Sardinia: Infant-toddler Dietary Changes Revealed by the Novel Use of Hydrogen Isotopes (δ2H)". PLoS ONE 17.7: e0235080.
  • Stiglitz, A. and P. van Dommelen. 2020. "S’Urachi." Archeologia Viva 39.204: 60-73.
  • van Dommelen, P., D. Ramis, A. Roppa and A. Stiglitz 2020. "Progetto S’Urachi: incontri culturali intorno a un nuraghe di età fenicio-punica," in Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente del Mediterráneo. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos, edited by S. Celestino Pérez and E. Rodríguez González. (MYTRA 5). Mérida: CSIC, 1627-36.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. Ulus ve Harabeleri: Yunanistan'da Antikite, Arkeoloji ve Ulusal Imgelem. çeviren: Ayşe Boren. Istanbul: İletişim (Turkish translation of the "Nation and its Ruins").
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. НАЦИЈАТА И НЕЈЗИНИТЕ УРНАТИНИ: АНТИКАТА, АРХЕОЛОГИЈАТА И НАЦИОНАЛНАТА ИМАГИНАЦИЈА ВО ГРЦИЈА (Macedonian translation of the "Nation and its Ruins"). Skopje: Ars Studio.
  • Thomas Cucchi, Katerina Papayianni, Sophie Cersoy, Laetitia Aznar-Cormano, Antoine Zazzo, Régis Debruyne, Rémi Berthon, Adrian Bălășescu, Alan Simmons, François Valla, Yannis Hamilakis, Fanis Mavridis, Marjan Mashkour, Jamshid Darvish, Roohollah Siahsarvi, Fereidoun Biglari, Cameron A. Petrie, Lloyd Weeks, Alireza Sardari, Sepideh Maziar, Christiane Denys, David Orton, Emma Jenkins, Greger Larson, Melinda Zeder, Jeremy B. Searle, François Bonhomme, Jean-Christophe Auffray, Jean-Denis Vigne. 2020. Tracking the Near East origins and European dispersal of the house mouse and some clues for the elusive cat domestication process. Nature: Scientific Reports 10, 8276.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. Sensorial assemblages. In Lambert-Theopisti, S. Arte-facts. Nicosia, pp. 32-33.
  • Pentedeka, A. Kyparissi-Apostolika, N., Hamilakis, Y., Kaznezi, A. and Katsarou, S. 2020. Koutroulou Magoula: Pilot petrographic analysis for pottery and figurines. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on the Archaeology of Thessaly and Central Greece, pp. 841-847.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. Efi Avdela et al., Φυλετικές θεωρίες στην Ελλάδα: Προσλήψεις και χρήσεις στις επιστήμες, την πολιτική, τη λογοτεχνία και την ιστορία της τέχνης κατά τον 19ο και τον 20ό αιώνα [Racial theories in Greece: perception and use in science, politics, literature and art history in the 19th and 20th centuries]. Historein v. 19(1).
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. The commercialization of antiquities. Avgi, 9 December 2020. (in Greek).
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2020. Learning from the “vandals”: Histories of Forgetting. Los Angeles Review of Books (
  • Adams, M.J., M. Cradic, Y. Farhi, M. Peers, and Y. Tepper. 2019. "A Betyl with a Decorated Base from the Principia of the Roman VIth Ferrata Legionary Base, Legio, Israel." The Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology, 9: 68-93.
  • Adams, M.J., M. Letteney, and M. Peers. 2019. "Survey and Excavations at Solomon’s Pools, Palestine: 2018 Preliminary Report." Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 151:1, 15-35.
  • Cherry, J.F., and K. Ryzewski. 2019. "An Archaic Site at Upper Blakes on Montserrat: Discovery, Context, and Wider Significance." In Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean: Dearchaizing the Archaic, edited by C.L. Hofman and A.T. Antczak, 231-44. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
  • Cherry, J.F., and K. Ryzewski. 2019. "A New Archaic Site at Upper Blakes on Montserrat." In Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, St. Croix, USVI, 24-28 July 2017, edited by J.M. Torres and A.B. Persons, 122-42. St. Croix: International Association for Caribbean Archaeology.
  • K. Lafrenz Samuels and P. van Dommelen. 2019. "Punic Heritage in Tunisia." In Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, edited by C. López-Ruiz and B. Doak. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 729-42.
  • Levine, E.I., and D. Plekhov. 2019. "Reconsidering Rag-i Bibi: Authority and Audience in the Sasanian East." In Afghanistan, 2 (2): 233-260.
  • Levine, E.I., M. Rothenberg, O. Siegel, C. Knoblauch, L. Bestock, and L. Klein. 2019. "The Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project: Second Cataract Fortresses and the Western Desert of Sudan." Antiquity, 93(372), E35.
  • Rojas, F.. 2019. The Pasts of Roman Anatolia: Interpreters, Traces, Horizons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ryzewski, K., and J.F. Cherry. 2019. "Archaeology Across the Columbian Divide: Using Micro-regional Survey to Examine Montserrat’s Island Communities (ca. 1000–1730 AD)." In Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, St. Croix, USVI, 24-28 July 2017, edited by J.M. Torres and A.B. Persons, 91-105. St. Croix: International Association for Caribbean Archaeology.
  • Ryzewski, K., J.F. Cherry, and L. McAtackney. 2019. "'The State of Decay into which the Island Has Fallen': Education and Social Welfare on Montserrat after Emancipation." International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 23: 543-567.
  • van Dommelen, P. (ed.). 2019. "Rural Archaeologies." World Archaeology 51.2. London: Routledge.
  • van Dommelen, P. 2019. "Rural Works and Days – A Subaltern Perspective," World Archaeology 51.2: 183-90.
  • van Dommelen, P. and C. Gómez Bellard. 2019. "Le attività agricole," in Il tempo dei Fenici. Incontri in Sardegna dall’VIII al III secolo a.C., edited by C. Del Vais, M. Guirguis and A. Stiglitz. Nuoro: Ilisso, 108-13.
  • Schnapp, A., Hamilakis, Y., and Rojas, F. 2019. A Conversation with Alain Schnapp. Archaeological Dialogues 26(1): 25-37.
  • Papadopoulos, K., Hamilakis, Y., Kyparissi-Apostolika, N. and M. Diaz-Guardamino, 2019 Digital sensoriality: The Neolithic figurines from Koutroulou Magoula. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 29(4): 625-652.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2019. A planet of camps: border assemblages and their challenges. Antiquity 93(371): 1371-1377.
  • Alcock, S.E., and J.F. Cherry. 2018. “Ch. 14: The Mediterranean World.” In The Human Past (4th revised edn.), edited by C. Scarre, 469-514. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Cherry, J.F. 2018. “Insights from the Outside: Wider Perspectives and Future Directions in Island Historical Ecology.” In Island Historical Ecology: Socionatural Landscapes of the Eastern and Southern Caribbean, edited by P. Siegel, 345-66. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Cherry, J.F., and T.P. Leppard. 2018. “The Balearic Paradox: Why Were the Islands Colonized So Late?” Pyrenae (Barcelona) 49.1: 49-70.
  • Cherry, J.F., and T.P. Leppard. 2018. “Patterning and Its Causation in the Pre-Neolithic Colonization of the Mediterranean Islands (Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene).” Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 13.2: 187-201. DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2016.1276489
  • Dillon, J.T., S. Lash, J. Zhao, K. Smith, P. van Dommelen, A.K. Scherer, and Y. Huang. 2018. “Bacterial Tetraether Lipids in Ancient Bones Record Past Climate Conditions at the Time of Disposal.” Journal of Archaeological Science 96: 45-56:
  • Durgun, P. 2018. “Mortuary Practices and Continuity: The Local Anatolian Origins in Hittite Mortuary Practices." Aktüel Arkeoloji 63: 44-51.
  • Durgun, P. 2018. “Feasting with the Dead: Food and Drinks in Anatolian Mortuary Rituals." Aktüel Arkeoloji 62: 84-91.
  • Eisenmann, S., E. Bánffy, P. van Dommelen, K. Hofmann, J. Maran, I. Lazaridis, A. Mittnik, M. McCormick, J. Krause, D. Reich, and P. Stockhammer. 2018. “Reconciling Material Cultures in Archaeology with Genetic Data. How to Name the Clusters that Emerge from Archaeogenomic Analysis?” Scientific Reports 8: 1303.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2018. “Decolonial Archaeology as Social Justice.” Antiquity 92: 518-520.
  • Hamilakis, Y. 2018. “The ‘Emergence of the Individual’ Revisited: Memory and Trans-Corporeality in the Mortuary Landscapes of Bronze Age Crete.” In From the Foundations to the Legacy of Minoan Archaeology: Studies in Honour of Keith Branigan, edited by M. Relaki and Y. Papadatos, 314-331. Oxford: Oxbow.
  • Hamilakis, Y., ed. 2018. The New Nomadic Age: Archaeologies of Forced and Undocumented Migration. Sheffield: Equinox.
  • Hurley, J.A. 2018. “Developing an Integrated, Large-Scale Approach to the Archaeological Study of Food: a Pilot Study of Iron Age and Roman Cambridgeshire.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19: 992–1002.
  • Koromila, G., P. Karkanas, Y. Hamilakis, N. Kyparissi-Apostolika, G. Kotzamani, and K. Harris. 2018. “The Neolithic Tell As a Multi-Species Monument: Human, Animal, and Plant Relationships through a Micro-Contextual Study of Animal Dung Remains at Koutroulou Magoula, Central Greece.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 19: 753-768.
  • Lander, B., and K. Brunson. 2018. "Sumatran Rhinoceros Extirpated from Mainland East Asia by Hunting and Habitat Loss." Current Biology 28: R1-R2.
  • Lander, B., and K. Brunson. 2018. "Wild Mammals of Ancient North China." Journal of Chinese History 2(2): 291-312.
  • Plekhov, D., and E.I. Levine. 2018. “In the Land of a Thousand Cities: Evaluating Patterns of Land Use in Bactria through Survey and Remote Sensing.” In CAA2017: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Oxford: Archaeopress.
  • Plekhov, D., and E.I. Levine. 2018. “Assessing the Effects of Severe Weather Events through Remote Sensing on Samothrace, Greece: Applications for the Management of Cultural Resources.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
  • Ruiz, J.M., P. Carmona, C. Gómez Bellard, and P. van Dommelen. 2018. “Geomorfología y cambio ambiental en el entorno de los yacimientos púnicos de la llanura de Terralba (Golfo de Oristano, isla de Cerdeña, Italia).” Boletín Geológico y Minero 129 (1-2): 331-352.
  • Thum, J. 2018. “In Between and Beyond: Working in the Borderlands of ARCE and the Egyptian Empire.” Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies Special issue, ed. Morag Kersel.
  • Tiesler, V., and A.K. Scherer, eds. 2018. Smoke, Flames, and the Human Body in Mesoamerican Ritual Practice. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Uildriks, M. 2018. “Review of F. Förster & H. Riemer (eds.), 2013. Desert Road Archaeology in Ancient Egypt and Beyond” in Bibliotheca Orientalis 74 (5-6), 578-581.
  • Uildriks, M. 2018. “Building a Predynastic: The Construction of Predynastic Galleys,” in Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 17, 156-172.
  • van Dommelen, P., ed. 2018. Rural Archaeologies. World Archaeology 50.1. London: Routledge.
  • van Dommelen, P., E. Díes Cusí, L. Gosner, J. Hayne, G. Pérez Jordà, D. Ramis, A. Roppa, and A. Stiglitz. 2018. “Un millennio di storie: nuove notizie preliminari sul progetto S’Urachi (San Vero Milis, OR), 2016-2018.” Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Cagliari e le province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna 29. (
  • van Dommelen, P., S. Lash, M. Naglak, C. Nicosia, G. Pérez Jordà and D. Ramis. 2018. “An Agricultural Field of Hellenistic Date at Pauli Stincus, Terralba (Sardinia).” Antiquity 92 (365):
  • Walsh, C. 2018. "Kerma Ceramics, Commensality Practices, and Sensory Experiences in Egypt During the Late Middle Bronze Age." Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 20(1), 31-51.
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  • Scherer, A.K., and J.W. Verano, eds. 2014. Embattled Bodies, Embattled Places: War in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the Andes. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Trustees for Harvard University.
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  • van Dommelen, P. 2014. "Fetishizing the Romans." Archaeological Dialogues 21(1): 41-45.
  • van Dommelen, P., ed. 2014. Mobility & Migration. (World Archaeology 46.4). London: Routledge.
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  • Alcock, S.E., and J.F. Cherry. 2013. "Ch. 13: The Mediterranean World." In The Human Past (Revised 3rd edition), edited by C. Scarre, 472-517. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Balzotti, C., C. Golden, A. Scherer, and R. Terry. 2013. “Stable Carbon Isotope Signatures of Ancient Maize Agriculture at El Kinel, Guatemala.” Central European Geology 56(1): 59-74.
  • Bestock, L. 2013. “Abydos, Egypt.” In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, edited by R. S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. B. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. R. Huebner. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Bestock, L. 2013. “Early Dynastic Period, Egypt.” In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, edited by R. S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. B. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. R. Huebner. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Bestock, L. 2013. “Human Sacrifice, Pharaonic Egypt.” In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, edited by R. S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. B. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. R. Huebner. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Bestock, L. 2013. Review of Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt; Egyptian Archaeology, edited by E. Teeter and W. Wendrich. American Journal of Archaeology January 2013 (117.1).
  • Bestock, L. 2013. “Brown University Abydos Project: Preliminary Report on the First Two Seasons.” In Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 48: 35-80.
  • Bestock, L., C. Knoblauch, and A. Makovics. 2013. “The Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project. Final Report on the 2012 Survey”, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 69:103-142.
  • Cherry, J.F., J.L. Davis, and A. Kalogirou. 2013. "The Nemea Valley in the Early Bronze Age." In The Corinthia and the Northeast Peloponnesus: Topography and History from Prehistoric Times until the End of Antiquity. Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Directorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the LZ’ Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the German Archaeological Institute, Athens, Held at Loutraki, March 26-29, 2009, edited by K. Kissas and W.D. Niemeier, 333-43. Athenaia 4. Munich: Hirmer Verlag.
  • Cherry, J.F., K. Ryzewski, and L.J. Pecoraro. 2013. "'A Kind of Sacred Place': The Rock and Roll Ruins of AIR Studios, Montserrat." In Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement, edited by M.C. Beaudry and T.G. Parno, 181-198. New York: Springer Verlag.
  • Golden, C., and A.K. Scherer. 2013. “Territory, Trust, Growth and Collapse in Classic Period Maya Kingdoms.” Current Anthropology 54(4): 397-435.
  • Harmanşah, Ö. 2013. Cities and the Shaping of Memory in the Ancient Near East. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Knoblauch, C., L. Bestock, and A. Makovics. 2013. “The Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project. Final Report on the 2012 Survey.” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 69 (2013): 103-142.
  • Nicosia, C., R. Langohr, P. Carmona González, C. Gómez Bellard, E. Modrall, J.M. Ruiz Pérez, and P. van Dommelen. 2013. “Land Use History and Site Formation Processes at the Punic site of Pauli Stincus in West Central Sardinia.” Geoarchaeology 28.4: 373-93.
  • Pilaar Birch, S.E. 2013. “Stable Isotopes in Zooarchaeology.” In Integrating Zooarchaeology and Stable Isotope Analyses, edited by S.E. Pilaar Birch and K. Kirsanow. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5: 81-83.
  • Pilaar Birch, S.E. 2013. "Using Social Media for Research Dissemination: The Digital Research Video Project." Internet Archaeology 35. doi:10.11141/ia.35.4 (open access).
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  • Sandiford, T. 2013. "Ptolemaic Houses at Abydos." Egyptian Archaeology 43: 8-10.
  • Urban, T.M., E. Bocancea, C. Vella, S. N. Herringer, S.E. Alcock and C.A. Tuttle. 2013. "Investigating Ancient Dams in Petra’s Northern Hinterland with Ground Penetrating Radar." The Leading Edge 32 (2): 190-192.
  • van Dommelen, P., C. Nicosia, R. Langohr, P. Carmona González, C. Gómez Bellard, E. Modrall, and J.M. Ruiz Pérez. 2013. "Land Use History and Site Formation Processes at the Punic site of Pauli Stincus in West Central Sardinia." Geoarchaeology 28.4: 373-393.
  • van Dommelen, P., and M. López Bertran. 2013. "Hellenism as Subaltern Practice: Rural Cults in the Punic World." In The Hellenistic West. Rethinking the Ancient Mediterranean, edited by J. Prag and J. Quinn, 273-299. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Xella, P., J. Quinn, V. Melchiorri, and P. van Dommelen. 2013. "Phoenician Bones of Contention." Antiquity 87 (338): 1199-1207.
  • Alcock, S.E., and A.R. Knodell. 2012. "Landscapes North of and Nearby Petra: The Petra Area and Wadi Silaysil Survey (Brown University Petra Archaeological Project, 2010-2011)". Supplement to Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 42: 5-16.
  • Alcock, S.E., J. Bodel, and R.J.A. Talbert, eds. 2012. Highways, Byways, and Road Systems in the Pre-Modern World. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Alcock, S.E., and J.F. Cherry. 2012. "A Conversation with Sue Alcock and John Cherry." In Archaeology in the Making: Conversations Through a Discipline, edited by W.L. Rathje, M. Shanks, and C. Witmore, 229-47. London: Routledge.
  • Bell, S. 2011. “Monster as Victim, Victim as Monster: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Redemptive Suffering, and the Undead.” In Journal of Monsters and the Monstrous.
  • Alcock, S.E., and R. Osborne, eds. 2012. Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology: Classical Archaeology. Second Edition. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Bestock, L. 2012. “Abydos, Egypt”; “Human Sacrifice, Pharaonic Egypt”; and “Early Dynastic Period, Egypt". In The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Bestock, L. 2012. “Brown University Abydos Project: Preliminary Report on the First Two Seasons”, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 48: 35-79.
  • Bestock, L. 2012. “Early Egyptian Writing in Context.” In Early Writing and Agency in Archaeology, edited by J. Englehardt. University Press of Colorado.
  • Bonde, S., and C. Maines. 2012. “The Technology of Medieval Water Management at the Charterhouse of Bourgfontaine.” Technology and Culture, 53 (2012): 625-670.
  • Cherry, J.F. 2012. "The Personal and the Political: The Greek World." In Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology: Classical Archaeology Second Edition, edited by S.E. Alcock and R. Osborne, 295-315. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Cherry, J.F., K. Ryzewski, and T.P. Leppard. 2012. "Multi-Period Landscape Survey and Site Risk Assessment on Montserrat, West Indies." The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 7.2: 282-302.
  • Cherry, J.F., K. Ryzewski, T.P. Leppard, and E. Bocancea. 2012. "The Earliest Phase of Settlement in the Eastern Caribbean: New Evidence from Montserrat." Antiquity 333.
  • Commito, A., and F. Rojas. 2012. "The Aqueducts of Aphrodisias." In Aphrodisias V: The Aphrodisias Regional Survey, edited by C. Ratté and P. D. De Staebler, 239-307. Darmstadt/Mainz: Verlag Philipp von Zabern.
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  • Fachard, S. 2012. The Defense of the Territory. Study of the Eretrian Chora and Its Fortifications. ERETRIA Series, volume XXI. Gollion: Swiss School of Archaeology.
  • Foxhall, L., and P. van Dommelen, eds. 2012. Debates in World Archaeology. World Archaeology 44.3. London: Routledge
  • Harmanşah, Ö. 2012. "Beyond Aššur: New Cities and the Assyrian Politics of Landscape." BASOR 365: 53-77.
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  • Knapp, A.B., J.F. Cherry, and P. van Dommelen. 2012. "Editorial: JMA's Silver Anniversary (1988-2012)." Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 25.2: 129-146.
  • Moscoloni, M., and C. Vella. 2012. "The Tas-Silg Lithic Assemblage: Preliminary Observations on Lithic Typology and Technological Choices from the 2003-2010 Seasons." Scienze dell'Antichita 18: 65-82.
  • Opitz, R., and J. Nowlin. 2012. "Photogrammetric Modeling + GIS: Better Methods for Working with Mesh Data." ArcUser 15.2: 46-49.
  • Ryzewski, K., and J.F. Cherry. 2012. "Communities and Archaeology under the Soufrière Hills Volcano on Montserrat, West Indies." Journal of Field Archaeology 37(4): 316-27.
  • Scherer, A.K., and C. Golden. 2012. Revisiting Maler's Usumacinta: Recent Archaeological Investigation in Chiapas, Mexico. Monograph 1. San Francisco: Precolumbia Mesoweb Press.
  • Urban, T.M., S.E. Alcock and C.A. Tuttle. 2012. "Virtual Discoveries at a Wonder of the World: Geophysical Investigations and Ancient Plumbing at Petra, Jordan." Antiquity 331.
  • van Dommelen, P. 2012. "Colonialism and Migration in the Ancient Mediterranean" Annual Review of Anthropology 41 (2012): 393-409.
  • van Dommelen, P. 2012. "Commentary: Roman Places in the Making." In Making Roman Places, Past and Present. Papers presented at the first Critical Roman Archaeology Conference held at Stanford University in March, 2008, edited by D. Totten and K. Lafrenz Samuels. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series 89. Portsmouth, RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology, 104-108.
  • van Dommelen, P., and A. Roppa. 2012. "Rural Settlement and Land Use in Punic and Roman Republican Sardinia." Journal of Roman Archaeology 25: 49-68.
  • van Dommelen, P., and C. Gómez Bellard. 2012. "Contadini Punici a Terralba: Fattorie ed Agricoltura Terralbesi in Età Punica." Terralba ieri & oggi 26.51: 21-23.
  • van Dommelen, P., and C. Gómez Bellard. 2012. "Excavaciones en la granja púnica de Pauli Stincus (Terralba, Cerdeña). Informe preliminar de la campaña de 2011." In Excavaciones en el Exterior 2011. (Informes y Trabajos 9). Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, 340-347.
  • van Dommelen, P., C. Gómez Bellard, and C. Tronchetti. 2012. Insediamento rurale e produzione agraria nella Sardegna punica: la fattoria di Truncu ‘e Molas (Terralba, OR), in C. Del Vais (ed.), Scritti in memoria di Giovanni Tore. Oristano: S'Alvure: 477-492.
  • van Dommelen, P., and L. Foxhall, eds. 2012. Debates in World Archaeology. World Archaeology 44.3. London: Routledge.
  • van Dommelen, P., and M. Rowlands. 2012. "Material Concerns and Colonial Encounters. In Materiality and Practice. Transformative Capacities of Intercultural Encounters, edited by J. Maran and P. Stockhammer. Oxford: Oxbow: 20-31.
  • Vella, C., J. Donta, J. Nadeau, J. Reti, and N. Weigel. 2012. "Notes on the 'Everybody Made Stone Tools: Exploring Lithic Methodology' Conference". Journal of Lithic Technology 37 (1): 63-65.
  • Vella, C., T.M. Urban, E. Bocancea, C.A. Tuttle and S.E. Alcock. 2012. "Discovery of an Early Bronze Age Settlement of Jabal al-Qarn Near Petra, Jordan." Antiquity 086 (334).
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  • Becker, J.A., and J. Nowlin. 2011. "Orientalizing Infant Burials from Gabii, Italy." BABESCH 86:9-21.
  • Bestock, L., and C. Knoblauch. 2011. “Four Thousand Years in Abydos: A Preliminary Report on the Architecture and Ceramics of the 2004-5 Excavations in the North Cemetery, West.” In Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 65 (2009): 211-252.
  • Bestock, L. 2011. “The First Kings of Egypt: The Abydos Evidence.” In Earliest Egypt, edited by E. Teeter, 139-148. Oriental Institute, Chicago.
  • Garrison, T., and A.R. Knodell. 2011. "Levantamiento topográfico de El Zotz". In Proyecto Archeológico "El Zotz": Informe No. 5, Temporada 2010, edited by J.L. Garrido López, S. Houston, and E. Román, 387-394. Guatemala: Informe Entregado al Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala.
  • Harmanşah, Ö. 2011. "Moving Landscapes, Making Place: Cities, Monuments and Commemoration at Malizi/Melid."
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  • van Dommelen, P. 2011. Postcolonial Archaeologies. World Archaeology 43.1. London: Routledge.
  • Vella, C. 2011. "The Lithics". In Site, Artefacts and Landscape: Prehistorical Borg in-Nadur, Malta, edited by D. Tanasi & N. Vella, 173-194. Monza: Polimetrica.
  • Alcock, S.E. 2010. "The Stratigraphy of Serendipity." In Serendipity: Fortune and the Prepared Mind, edited by M. de Rond and I. Morley, 11-26. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  • Bestock, L. 2010. Review of God’s Wife God’s Servant: the God’s Wife of Amun (c. 740-525 BC), by M. F. Ayad. Cambridge Archaelogical Journal 20.2: 289-290.
  • Cherry, J.F. 2010. Foreword to The Emergence of Civilisation: The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C., by C. Renfrew. Rev. ed., xxi-xxvi. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • Cherry, J.F. 2010. "Blockbuster! Museum Responses to Alexander the Great." In Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural Studies, edited by P. Cartledge and F. Greenland, 305-38. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Cherry, J.F. 2010. "Sorting out Crete’s Off-Island Prepalatial Interactions." In Archaic State Interaction: The Eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age, edited by M. Galaty and W. Parkinson, 107-140 Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.
  • Cherry, J.F., E.H. Cline, M.L. Galaty, P.N. Kardulias, W.A. Parkinson, R. Schon, S. Sherratt, H. Tomas, and D. Wengrow. 2010. "Interaction Amidst Diversity: An Introduction to the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age." In Archaic State Interaction: The Eastern Mediterranean in the Bronze Age, edited by M. Galaty and W. Parkinson, 29-51. Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.
  • Cherry, J.F., E. Faro, and L. Minc. 2010. "Field Survey and Geochemical Characterization of the Southern Armenian Obsidian Sources." Journal of Field Archaeology 35.2: 147-63.
  • Koerner, S., and I. Russell, eds. 2010. Unquiet Pasts: Risk Society, Lived Cultural Heritage, Re-designing Reflexivity. Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
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  • Parkinson, W.A., and J.F. Cherry. 2010. "The Pylos Regional Archaeological Project, Part VIII. Lithics and Landscapes: A Messenian Perspective." Hesperia 79.1: 1-51.
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  • van Dommelen, P., and A.B. Knapp, eds. 2010. Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean: Mobility, Materiality and Mediterranean Identities. London: Routledge.
  • van Dommelen, P., and C. Gómez Bellard, eds. "Conexiones rurales. Explotación colonial, intensificación agraria y poblamiento rural en el Mediterráneo occidental". In Bollettino di Archeologia Online 0. (Atti del 17o Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Classica, Roma, 22-26 settembre 2006):
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  • Alcock, S.E., and J.F. Cherry. 2009. "Ch. 13: The Mediterranean World." In The Human Past, edited by C. Scarre. Revised 2nd ed., 472-517. London: Thames & Hudson.
  • Becker, J.A. 2009. “Liguria.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome, edited by M. Gagarin, 4.253-4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Becker, J.A. 2009. Review of Styling Romanisation: Pottery and Society in Central Italy, by R. E. Roth. Journal of Roman Studies 99: 280-1.
  • Becker, J.A., M. Mogetta, and N. Terrenato. 2009. “A New Plan for an Ancient Italian City: Gabii Revealed.” American Journal of Archaeology 113.4: 629-42.
  • Bestock, L. 2009. The Development of Royal Funerary Cult at Abydos: Two Funerary Enclosures from the Reign of Aha. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Bestock, L., and C. Knoblauch. 2009. “Four Thousand Years in Abydos: A Preliminary Report on the Architecture and Ceramics of the 2004-5 Excavations in the North Cemetery, West”, Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 65: 211-252.
  • Damiata, B.N., J.K. Papadopoulos, M.G. Amore, S.P. Morris, L. Bejko, J.M. Marston, and J. Southon. 2009. "The Absolute Chronology of Albanian Archaeology: Radiocarbon Dates from Apollonia and Lofkënd." Iliria 33:135-186.
  • Fisher, K.D. 2009. "Elite Place-Making and Social Interaction in the Late Cypriot Bronze Age." Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 22.2: 183-209.
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  • Fisher, K.D. 2009. Review of Views from Phlamoudhi, Cyprus, edited by J. Smith. Journal of the American Oriental Society 129.2: 25-6.
  • Harmansah, O. 2009. "Stones of Ayanis: New Urban Foundations and the Architectonic Culture in Urartu During the 7th C. BC." In Bautechnik im Antiken und Vorantiken Kleinasien. Internationale Konferenz 13-16 Juni 2007 in Istanbul. (Byzas 9), edited by Martin Bachmann, 177-197. Ege Yayınları: Istanbul.
  • Harmansah, O. 2009. "The Leech Pond at Kerkenes Dağ." Archeolog, April 30, 2009.
  • Kampen, N. 2009. Family Fictions in Roman Art. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kampen, N. 2009. “Women’s Desire, Archaeology, and Feminist Theory,” in KOINE: Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway, D. Counts and A. Tuck, eds. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
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  • Terrenato, N., and J.A. Becker. 2009. “Il sito di Monte delle Grotte sulla via Flaminia e lo sviluppo della villa nel suburbio di Roma.” In Suburbium II: il Suburbio di Roma dalla fine dell’età monarchica alla nascita del sistema delle ville (V-II sec. a.C.), edited by V. Jolivet, C. Pavolini, M. A. Tomei, and R. Volpe, 393-401. (Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome; 419). Rome: École française de Rome.
  • Vella, C. 2009. "The Lithic Toolkit of the Late Neolithic Ta' Hagrat, Malta." Origini XXXI (IV): 85-102.
  • Bestock, L. 2008. “The Early Dynastic Funerary Enclosures of Abydos.” Archéo-Nil 18: 42-59.
  • Bestock, L. 2008. “The Evolution of Royal Ideology: New Discoveries from the Reign of Aha.” In Egypt at its Origins 2: Proceedings of the International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005, edited by B. Midant-Reynes and Y. Tristant, 1091-1106. Leuven: Peeters.
  • Bestock, L. 2008. “An Undisturbed Subsidiary Burial from the Reign of Aha.” In Zeichen aus dem Sand: Streiflichter aus Ägyptens Geschichte zu Ehren von Günter Dreyer, edited by E. Engle, V. Müller and U. Hartung, 41-58. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Cherry, J.F., E.Z. Faro, and L. Minc. 2008. "Field Exploration and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of the Obsidian Sources in Southern Armenia." International Association for Obsidian Studies Bulletin 39 (Summer 2008): 3-6.
  • Cherry, J.F., S.W. Manning, S.E. Alcock, A.V. Tonikyan, and M.H. Zardaryan. 2008. "Radiocarbon Dates for the Second and First Millennia B.C. from Southern Armenia: Preliminary Results from the Vorotan Project, 2005-2006." Aramazd: Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies 2: 52-71.
  • Harmansah, O. 2008. Review of Diplomacy by Design: Luxury Arts and an "International Style" in the Ancient Near East, 1400-1200 BCE, by M.H. Feldman. Art Bulletin 90.1: 123-126.
  • Monteiro, L. 2008. “Ethnicity and Conflict in the Roman Conquest of Spain” in TRAC 2007: Proceedings of the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, London 2007, 53-61. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • Monteiro, L. 2008. “Including Immigrants: How Art Museums Can Bring Together Old and New Americans.” International Journal of the Inclusive Museum 1(4): 139-146.
  • Monteiro, L., and D. Shoup. 2008. “When Past and Present Collide: the Ethics of Archaeological Stewardship.” Current Anthropology 49: 328-333.
  • Vella, C. 2008. "Distribution Patterns of Imported Lithic Tools in Early Neolithic Skorba." In Ta' Hagrat and Skorba: Ancient Monuments in a Modern World, edited by M. Zammit and J. Mallia, 69-80. Malta: Heritage Malta.
  • Alcock, S.E., and R. Osborne, eds. 2007. Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology: Classical Archaeology. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Bestock, L. 2007. “Finding the First Dynasty Royal Family.” In The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of David B. O’Connor, edited by Z. A. Hawass and J. Richards, 99-108. Cairo: Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, distributed by American University in Cairo Press.
  • Fisher, K.D. 2007. "The Aegeanization of Cyprus at the End of the Bronze Age: An architectural Perspective." In Cyprus, the Sea Peoples and the Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Perspectives of Continuity and Change, edited by T.P. Harrison. Scripta Mediterranea XVII-XVIII: 81-103.
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  • Kampen, N., assoc. ed. and contributor. 2007. Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. New York: Oxford University Press.
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