JIAAW's Archaeology News blog features posts about events, job openings, field projects, and other news from relevant universities, publications, and organizations.
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University invites applications to our postdoctoral fellow positions in Archaeology and the Ancient World.
Our hope is that we can help demystify the application process, and help potential students think through the pros and cons of graduate school, by providing honest answers from the perspectives of those who have been through it on both sides of the decision-making process.
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Archaeology and the Ancient World.
We are pleased to announce that the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology is accepting applications for Fall 2022 admission to our doctoral program in Archaeology and the Ancient World.
In addition to pursuing her doctoral degree in Archaeology and the Ancient World, Davis is interested in learning more about the interactions between religious communities during Late Antiquity.
God’s Little Acre is one of the oldest United States cemeteries for Africans and African Americans. Marko, Plekhov, and Rothenberg have created an interactive map and database of the cemetery for use by both researchers and tourists.
The volume gathers articles by archeologists, art historians, and philologists, covering the entire Near East, from Iran to Lebanon and from Turkey to Egypt.
Dr. Marko will be a Visiting Assistant Professor of Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University in the coming year. He will be teaching "A Burglar's Guide to Rome" this Fall.
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the passing of Artemis A.W. Joukowsky, whose generosity made possible the creation of Brown University’s Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World in 2004. The Joukowsky Institute was named in honor of Artemis and his wife, Martha Sharp Joukowsky, in 2006.
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Archaeology and the Ancient World. Exceptional junior scholars who enhance and engage with the diversity of the Joukowsky Institute community, and who are committed to inclusive education and research, are particularly encouraged to apply.
Brown University's excavations at the Roman and Iron Age site of Tongobriga, in northern Portugal, are featured in the sixth issue of the «Património a Norte» series, published by Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte: “Tongobriga: coletânea de estudos comemorativos de 40 anos de investigação” (Tongobriga: A Collection of Commemorative Essays from 40 Years of Research).
JIAAW's Archaeology News blog features posts about events, job openings, field projects, and other news from relevant universities, publications, and organizations.